The lotus flowers in Chongren burst into bloom, inviting you...

In the summer of Chongren, thousands of acres of lotus flowers bloom, gracefully swaying in the water, forming a breathtakingly beautiful picture. This moment of infatuatio...

The best time of the year is spring, and all kinds of flowers are in full bloom during spring.In China, there are many traditional festivals, but have you ever heard of the...

“A bag of feathers for a basket of plums; a nosegay of flowers for a bag of feathers; a golden chain for a nosegay of flowers; a dog and a blessing for a golden chain; all...

《爱丽丝梦游仙境》不仅编织了一个奇妙荒诞,充满想象力的地下世界,还制造了很多英语流行语,down the rabbit hole(进入未知的天地),mad as a hatter(疯疯癫癫)以及jabberwocky(胡说八道)等常用语的流行都和这个童话有关。 1. DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE 进入未知的天地 Down...

“花语”:和花有关的英语表达 在春天开放的花有郁金香、蓝钟花、报春花、丁香花等,它们的英语名称是什么?英语里还有哪些和“花”有关的词汇和表达?看图片,学“花语”。 (来源:BBC英语教...

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